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Fotowettbewerb "Fishing South Baltic #myCATCH"

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Alle Bilder

Fishing &amp; Sailing on the Baltic Sea<br />
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Kob, Tina

Belly boat fishing<br />
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Kob, Tina

Ferry &amp; Fisherman<br />
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Kob, Tina

Ceviche from cod caught in the Baltic Sea<br />
Sustainability / sustainable methods
Daniel Espeloer

Fishing atmoshere<br />
Angling landscape / environment / biodiversity
Sebastian K

Pike perch underwater<br />
Fish (above and below the water; preferably no trophy pictures)
Sebastian K
Mecklenburgische Ostsee
Fishing rods on the boat<br />
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Michael Müller
Sea trout<br />
Fish (above and below the water; preferably no trophy pictures)
C. Knoll
My girlfriend fishing in the sunset<br />
Angling landscape / environment / biodiversity
C. Knoll
Mecklenburgische Ostsee
Side planner in action<br />
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Michael Müller
Mecklenburgische Ostsee
Cod with scientific marking<br />
Fish (above and below the water; preferably no trophy pictures)
Michael Müller

Catch &amp; Cook an der Ostsee<br />
Sustainability / sustainable methods
Dieser sch&ouml;ne Wels war, neben einem Zander, mein Geburtstagsgeschenk. Das war eine Drifttour mit Angelguid Thomas Axthaler auf dem r&iacute;o segre. Herrliches Wetter und traumhafte Landschaft .&nbsp;
Fish (above and below the water; preferably no trophy pictures)
Der Mann und das Meer.&nbsp;
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Sebastian Schreiber
Großenbrode de
<p>Out for the big catch.&nbsp;</p><p>Trolling vor Gro&szlig;enbrode&nbsp;</p>
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Sebastian Schreiber
Großenbrode de
Abendstimmung im Hafen von Gro&szlig;enbrode
Angling landscape / environment / biodiversity
Der Weg zum Gl&uuml;ck&nbsp;
Angling landscape / environment / biodiversity
Sven Finkeisen
Angeln im Abendrot
Recreational fishing / angling equipment
Sven Finkeisen

Fish (above and below the water; preferably no trophy pictures)
Marcel Weichenhan
Thuro Damm
Meerforelle im Svendborgsund

Marcel Weichenhan